We at The Dependent give our best to bring the most exact and realistic news about Business, Economy, Crypto Currency, Dogri Culture, Tourism. And we bring to you the taste of Dogra Culture. The sweetest culture in the the world as goes the phrase "Khand Mithe log Dogre" wiz Dogra people are as sweet as sugar.
The Dependent is the Joint Venture of "Speed Abhi Tak" registered under Registrar of Newspapers for India(statutory body of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting) and "Onefastway ltd." registered under Companies Act 2013 (an Act of the Parliament of India on Indian company law which regulates incorporation of a company). We promise to bring you the truth you seek. Our collaboration has a goal to enlighten you about the less known beauty of the Dogra Culture along with the responsibility of keeping you in touch with the Business, Economy, Crypto and the Tourism News'.
"Hacking Begins" a renowned name in Cyber World is Our Cyber Security Partner. Our partnership is not just partnership with these organisations but is the commitment of giving best service to you.